Friday, April 9, 2010

Rainbow Cupcakes!!

So every month I make a new cupcake. This month I have chosen the gorgeous rainbow cupcake since its spring! It is the ultimate adorable cupcake! I hope you have as much fun making and eating these as I did!

Rainbow Cupcakes


3/4 cup Self-Rising Flour

3/4 cup Granulated Sugar

3/4 cup Unsalted Butter, Softened

2 Eggs

1 1/2 tsp Vanilla

3 tbs Milk

Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow Food Coloring

Mixing Bowl

Measuring Cups

6 Small Bowls

Muffin Cups

Muffin Pan

Measuring Spoons



Start by pre-heating your oven to 395 degrees.

In a large mixing bowl, use whisk to beat sugar into butter until creamy and fluffy. The mixture should be light in color.

Slowly stir in eggs and flour, making sure each is thouroughly stirred in. Mix in Vanilla.

Stir in milk 1 tablespoon at a time, stirring thoroughly after each tablespoon is added.

Divide mixture evenly into each of the smaller bowls.

Add food coloring in this manner:

Bowl 1- 8 drops red

Bowl 2- 8 drops yellow, 4 drops red

Bowl 3- 8 drops yellow

Bowl 4- 8 drops green

Bowl 5- 8 drops blue

Bowl 6- 8 drops blue, 4 drops red

Mix well until colors are evenly distributed.

Colors are as follows:

Bowl 1- Red

Bowl 2- Orange

Bowl 3- Yellow

Bowl 4- Green

Bowl 5- Blue

Bowl 6- Purple.

Line muffin pan with muffin cups. Starting with purple, spoon batter evenly into each of the muffin cups, spreadng slightly. Continue, layering, with blue, then green, then yellow, then orange, then red.

Bake for 20 minutes at 395 degrees.

Makes 12 regular-sized cupcakes.

You can double this recipe or make this recipe twice or as many times as you need to, to make all the cupcakes you would need to make this. So much fun.
This would be a great project to get kids involved!


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